¡Haz tu pedido en nuestra web y disfruta de envío gratuito en compras a partir de 100€!* * Válido para España, Alemania, Andorra, Austria, Bélgica, Francia, Italia, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos y Portugal hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Corneta wall

Pantalla de fique tejida con la tecnica de ganchillo. La colección de lámparas CORNETA de Let’s Pause es un homenaje a la artesanía sabia y canta a la sencillez: un doble hilo va uniendo con la técnica de crochet el alma y estructura de la pantalla, una cuerda de 12 hilos retorcida. Una vez tejida la pantalla se une en forma de caracola de mar y haciendo que la luz que proyecta sea muy focalizada .Está disponible en tres colores distintos: rosa nude, marrón claro y negro. Todos ellos aúnan la firmeza de la fibra vegetal con la leve ondulación orgánica del ganchillo. La conjunción del trabajo artesano, a partir de un material tan natural, con un diseño informal y desenfadado hace que las lámparas de CORNETA se adecúen tanto a vestíbulos de hoteles como a dormitorios y rincones recogidos a los que aportan su mensaje de calidez y de regreso a la naturaleza. Cada pantalla se entrega con un cable textil de cordón negro de 2,5 metros, un portalámparas negro y un florón negro de aluminio para su colocación en el techo.

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Peso1 kg

azul 24, azul 30, Rosa nude, Verde Inglés, Verde Oliva, asiento de palma, Moreno natural, Cobre, Gris Antracita, Blanco, Crudo, Dorado, Marrón cacao, Natural, Negro, Nogal, Personalizado, Transparente, Verde


18x18x38cm, 30x30x38cm, 42x42x58cm, 60x60x75cm




Fique (Furcraea andina) Growing freely in rosettes shaped clusters of up to 100 leaves, generally ending in a sharp needle like point. A succulent plant made of fleshly stalks, functional in its resistance to drought and very hardy with a beautiful range of colours in the raw.


Our craftswomen weave the fique fibre yarn using different age-old techniques learned from their masters. Knowing hands with extraordinary dexterity that create unique collections , where knot by knot the elegant pieces emerge and entire families are supported through their work.

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For day to day cleaning all that’s needed is a damp cloth to wipe. Then just let dry with a steam iron.We recommend the use of a 2,700k E27 led bulb.


For each purchase made online you will receive an amazing heart-shaped seed of the Cardiospermum halicacabum plant. Once planted, it will produce a creeper of thick green vines with a delicate white flower and paper like pods. Within the pods, once dried, you will find 3 seeds and their heart shaped motiv, which can be given to all those who love Nature. Let’s Love.

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Fique (Furcraea andina) Growing freely in rosettes shaped clusters of up to 100 leaves, generally ending in a sharp needle like point. A succulent plant made of fleshly stalks, functional in its resistance to drought and very hardy with a beautiful range of colours in the raw.


Our craftswomen weave the fique fibre yarn using different age-old techniques learned from their masters. Knowing hands with extraordinary dexterity that create unique collections , where knot by knot the elegant pieces emerge and entire families are supported through their work.

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For day to day cleaning all that’s needed is a damp cloth to wipe. Then just let dry with a steam iron.We recommend the use of a 2,700k E27 led bulb.


For each purchase made online you will receive an amazing heart-shaped seed of the Cardiospermum halicacabum plant. Once planted, it will produce a creeper of thick green vines with a delicate white flower and paper like pods. Within the pods, once dried, you will find 3 seeds and their heart shaped motiv, which can be given to all those who love Nature. Let’s Love.

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Información adicional

Peso1 kg

azul 24, azul 30, Rosa nude, Verde Inglés, Verde Oliva, asiento de palma, Moreno natural, Cobre, Gris Antracita, Blanco, Crudo, Dorado, Marrón cacao, Natural, Negro, Nogal, Personalizado, Transparente, Verde


18x18x38cm, 30x30x38cm, 42x42x58cm, 60x60x75cm

LA BELLEZA NATURAL COMBINA CON TODOIdeas deco en armonía con tu elección